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Conquer Series

The Conquer Series was created by KingdomWorks Studios, in partnership with Pure Desire and featuring Dr. Ted Roberts, and has been instrumental in raising awareness to the detrimental effects of sexual addiction.

Join 1 million men in over 80 countries who are learning to live free of porn through the proven strategies and practical tools taught in the Conquer Series. Now in ten action-packed episodes, containing hours of Biblical teaching to help men walk in freedom.

10 session course starting on Thursday 11th Feb 2021 at 8:30pm. Cost £40.00 for 2 study guides (study guides for volume 1 & volume 2) and 10 sessions covering volume 1 & 2 video series.

If the cost is an issue please don't let this put you off registering, there are many people struggling in these uncertain times and already we have had some people looking to sponsor someone else to take part.

Any amount over £40 will be treated as a gift towards sponsoring someone else to take part in the course who normally couldn't afford it or if you would like to sponsor someone, please contact the office directly email:


To register, just follow the link below.

8 February

Fight Club

15 February

Fight Club